Many quotes about comfort zones suggest that getting out of them is the thing to do;
“As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal.” (Robin Sharma)
“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” (Brian Tracy)
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” (Neale Donald Walsch)
And so on….
Pushing ourselves and challenging ourselves to do more, different, bigger, higher or better, can be life-affirming and, ultimately, satisfying.
However, if our comfort zone is stretched too far or too quickly, instead of learning and growth it can be a stressful, even dangerous place to be. Without the necessary skills, experience or training, people can become stressed or burnt out, motivation can drop and mistakes can be made.
I can’t help but wonder how people in Aberdeen are feeling just now? With reduced numbers in many teams, people may be having to take on more and carry out tasks they haven’t done before? They may, at times, feel they are doing two roles rather than the one they did previously? Others have been made redundant and are now facing an uncertain and scary new future where comfort zones are being pushed to the limit.
So, if you’re finding yourself in uncharted territory, I wonder… do you feel supported as you take the leap into the unknown or does it feel like alligators are snapping at your ankles as you head into the swampy ground outside your personal comfort zone?
Julie McDonald
Director of People Solutions